Alcoholic Drinks For Weight Loss

Alcoholic Drinks For Weight Loss

Alcoholic Drinks For Weight Loss – Drinks that contain alcohol are believed to be drinks that can cause obesity and bloating for those who consume them.

Alcohol is well known for its destructive effects. Apart from being bad for the body’s health in the long run, its intoxicating effect makes some people avoid this drink.

However, despite the various potential adverse effects, certain types of alcoholic drinks when consumed wisely can actually help you lose weight. What types of drinks are in question?

1. Red wine (122 calories)

The health benefits of red wine or red wine are quite widely researched. Sipping red wine after eating can be healthy for the heart. What is recommended is a dry kind such as Cabernet Sauvignon.

Red wine contains 122 calories for a 148 milliliter serving. This drink also contains antioxidants which can prevent the buildup of free radical compounds in the body, thereby preventing chronic disease. In fact, red wine is claimed to reduce the risk of diabetes by up to 13 percent.

2.Gin and tonic (115 calories)

Having lower calories than red wine, gin and tonic can aid digestion despite its bitter taste. Apart from having low calories (115 calories), as the saying goes, “bitter medicine is good medicine.”

The bitter taste of gin and tonic triggers an increase in digestive enzymes and stomach acid, which aids in the breakdown of food. If you “accidentally” eat a large portion, gin and tonic can help the body break down the food quickly, so it doesn’t interfere with the target diet.

3.Dried vermouth (105 calories)

90 milliliters of dry vermouth or dry vermouth contains 105 calories, or the same as red wine. Usually mixed with gin to make James Bond’s favorite drink, Martini, dry vermouth is actually better consumed directly so as not to add calories.

According to a study entitled “Antioxidant characteristics of a newly developed vermouth wine” in Hungary, dry vermouth has a high content of polyphenols which are useful for regulating metabolism, losing weight, and preventing chronic disease.

Also Read:Countries With the Highest Alcohol Consumption

4. Whiskey (105 calories)

Whiskey actually has a low carbohydrate content, so it is suitable for those of you who want to control your weight. In addition, consuming a shot of whiskey after meals is claimed to improve digestion.

Because it has a low carbohydrate content, whiskey can increase energy without having to fear excess sugar. This is evidenced in a study in 1991.

5. Rum (97 calories)

Famous as Jack Sparrow’s favorite drink from Pirates of the Caribbean, you can also rely on rum if you want to control your weight, because it only contains 97 calories.

Rum is also said to increase blood levels of good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which can help combat atherosclerosis and prevent cardiovascular disease. Unsurprisingly, during World War I, rum was used by soldiers of the British Royal Navy to stay healthy, happy, and keep bones solid.…

5 Changes When You Drank Alcohol For 28 Days

5 Changes When You Drank Alcohol For 28 Days

5 Changes When You Drank Alcohol For 28 Days – Has a very dangerous effect when consumed in large quantities, especially routinely. If this continues, then your health will occur. Some people do like to drink alcohol, but not too much.

does have a good effect on the heart, only when consumed in moderation. Then, what happens if this drink is consumed for 28 days?

There are visible changes in the body, from shape to appearance in facial expressions. In fact, the color of your teeth will also change greatly.

1. The Body Becomes Fat

Alcoholics, or those who cannot escape from these drinks will gain weight. This happens because the desire to consume sweet foods is higher after drinking alcohol.

And when they stop drinking, they instinctively want to keep their hands busy, usually with food.

Studies show that too much alcohol intake can increase risk factors for obesity. Because, alcohol is a very high source of calories.

Sometimes, when consuming alcohol, people don’t reduce their food intake. This is because alcohol can encourage you to eat more.

2. Poor Sleep Quality

If for 28 days you drink alcohol non-stop, your sleep quality will also be affected. Although alcohol can make you fall asleep faster, it reduces the quality of your sleep.

In some cases, people may experience headaches, which are a signal of major changes in the body due to detoxification from alcohol.

This can affect the liver or even cause high blood pressure. At this stage of quitting alcohol, your body may even experience the opposite effect.

3. Panda eyes

Your face will look tired and panda eyes appear – black circles in the eye area. This is because the urinary system is not functioning properly.

Your face will always look like someone is sick and not energized. The days will also feel bleak to tiring.

4. Yellow Teeth

Another change that can be seen is yellowing of the teeth due to the effects of the alcohol. This type of drink reduces the production of saliva which affects the condition of the teeth.

The changes will also be exacerbated if you are a heavy smoker. The nicotyl in cigarettes will also make your teeth much yellow.

5. Skin is not bright

Skin discoloration will also be visible. Skin that was previously bright will become dull and look like it lacks blood.

Acne and irritation begin to appear on the face. Pigment or freckles also appear on the cheeks to the forehead.…

How to Become a Professional Online Poker Player

How to Become a Professional Online Poker Player

How to Become a Professional Online Poker Player – Maybe you’ve read a similar or similar article, but this article is different because we have taken it from a trusted source, here’s how to become a professional poker gambling member.

The game of poker is one type of game that is most often used as a medium for online gambling or betting. Basically, there are many types of games that can be used as gambling or betting media. However, the public prefers the game of poker as one of the most excellent gambling games. Even now there are online poker gambling games. Online poker is one of the online games whose concept is taken from conventional poker games, so the rules and how to play are exactly the same.

It’s just that online poker is played via cell phones or computers. Whereas conventional poker is played live, the popularity of the game of poker gambling has attracted public interest in it. And now there are also poker games that intend to really get into the world of online gambling, that is, seriously become a professional online poker player.

Professional poker players mean taking the world of poker seriously and taking over in the card gambling field, and making poker a source of livelihood. Currently in Indonesia there are several people who have become professional poker players. Making online poker a livelihood but a risky choice. If you are still not proficient in the field of online poker. If you are already proficient in the field of poker, then this profession is actually quite promising. You can get a fairly stable income just by doing the activities you like, namely playing poker online. Of course only people who have strong intentions and are sincere can become the masters of online poker professionals.

How to Become a Professional Online Poker Player

If you are one of those who are interested in exploring the world of online poker, and intend to become a professional player. So here is an interesting review on how to become a professional poker player on the idn poker 88 site.

1. Learn More About Poker

To be able to become an outsider in the field of online poker, you have to start by learning all things related to online poker. This is very important as a basic requirement to become a professional player. You have to follow the development of the world of poker gambling, learn the latest strategies and tricks that can be used in the poker betting game.

2. Practice diligently

After learning many things about poker, then you have to practice what you have learned. It will be useless if you just learn it without practicing it in the real game. Therefore it is very important to practice diligently, and practicing more will make your playing ability increase. Not only that, but your poker instincts will also become sharper. This of course will be very useful to become a professional poker player.

3. Mentally strong never give up

To be able to survive and achieve success in the world of online poker, hard work and never give up is needed. A professional poker player is not nearly in the online poker field from the start, of course they also often experience defeat. But they don’t give up and keep practicing in order to improve their skills and their playing instincts. And finally you can become a professional online poker player. The point is, mentally strong and willing to work hard are the main assets to become a professional poker player.…