5 Changes When You Drank Alcohol For 28 Days – Has a very dangerous effect when consumed in large quantities, especially routinely. If this continues, then your health will occur. Some people do like to drink alcohol, but not too much.
does have a good effect on the heart, only when consumed in moderation. Then, what happens if this drink is consumed for 28 days?
There are visible changes in the body, from shape to appearance in facial expressions. In fact, the color of your teeth will also change greatly.
1. The Body Becomes Fat
Alcoholics, or those who cannot escape from these drinks will gain weight. This happens because the desire to consume sweet foods is higher after drinking alcohol.
And when they stop drinking, they instinctively want to keep their hands busy, usually with food.
Studies show that too much alcohol intake can increase risk factors for obesity. Because, alcohol is a very high source of calories.
Sometimes, when consuming alcohol, people don’t reduce their food intake. This is because alcohol can encourage you to eat more.
2. Poor Sleep Quality
If for 28 days you drink alcohol non-stop, your sleep quality will also be affected. Although alcohol can make you fall asleep faster, it reduces the quality of your sleep.
In some cases, people may experience headaches, which are a signal of major changes in the body due to detoxification from alcohol.
This can affect the liver or even cause high blood pressure. At this stage of quitting alcohol, your body may even experience the opposite effect.
3. Panda eyes
Your face will look tired and panda eyes appear – black circles in the eye area. This is because the urinary system is not functioning properly.
Your face will always look like someone is sick and not energized. The days will also feel bleak to tiring.
4. Yellow Teeth
Another change that can be seen is yellowing of the teeth due to the effects of the alcohol. This type of drink reduces the production of saliva which affects the condition of the teeth.
The changes will also be exacerbated if you are a heavy smoker. The nicotyl in cigarettes will also make your teeth much yellow.
5. Skin is not bright
Skin discoloration will also be visible. Skin that was previously bright will become dull and look like it lacks blood.
Acne and irritation begin to appear on the face. Pigment or freckles also appear on the cheeks to the forehead.…